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Arab Countries - Cairo Declaration for the Elimination of FGM, 2003
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Legal tools for the prevention of female genital mutilation.
WE, the representatives of twenty-eight African and Arab countries affected by the practice of Female Genital Mutilation, of international and non-governmental organisations, and experts on FGM, meeting in Cairo from the 21st to the 23rd of June 2003 for the Afro-Arab Expert Consultation on “Legal Tools for the Prevention of Female Genital Mutilation” on the invitation of AIDOS - Italian Association for Women in Development - No Peace Without Justice, the Egyptian National Council for Childhood and
Motherhood, and the Egyptian Society for the Prevention of Harmful Practices to Woman and Child, under the Auspices of H.E. Mrs Suzanne Mubarak, First Lady of Egypt, organized within the
framework of the “STOP FGM Campaign” supported by the European Commission:
Emphasising that all countries affected by the practice of FGM have been represented at the Expert Consultation, making it a unique opportunity for dialogue, exchange of information and points of view concerning the best means and the most appropriate legislative instruments for the prevention and the progressive abandonment of FGM worldwide;
Recognising and saluting the commitment and determination of H.E. Mrs Suzanne Mubarak, First
Lady of Egypt, as well as Her keynote speech delivered at the opening session of the Expert
Consultation and her specific contribution to the success of this Afro-Arab meeting;
Emphasising in particular the statements of the highest religious authorities in Egypt, H.E. Sheykh Mohammed Sayed Tantawy, Grand Sheykh of Al-Azhar, and the representative of H.E. Pope Shenouda III, Patriarch of Alexandria and of the See of St. Mark, who reaffirmed that no religious precept either in Islam or Christianity justifies the practice of FGM;
Thanking the organisers for taking the initiative to convene this Expert Consultation in Cairo and
expressing appreciation in particular to the Egyptian National Council for Childhood and Motherhood and the Egyptian Society for the Prevention of Harmful Practices to Woman and Child for the warm welcome received in Egypt and to ensure the best working conditions for the meeting;
Thanking the sponsors and other contributors for providing the resources for this Expert Consultation and its follow-up;
Taking note of the results obtained by the working groups, the quality of the contributions by the speakers and all the participants, and the most valuable technical contribution by CRR - Centre for Reproductive Rights - and RAINBO - Research, Action and Information for the Bodily Integrity of Women - which have made the successful outcome of the Consultation possible;
Taking note of and supporting the international “STOP FGM” Appeal, launched on the 10th of December 2002, as well as the Declaration on “Zero Tolerance for FGM” issued by the IAC - Inter-African Committee - on the 6th of February 2003, and signed by African First Ladies and a number of other international personalities...
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